Thursday, January 23, 2014

Live Your Life!

Sometimes, when you decide to give up on life is when you finally start feeling alive. Those days when you just get so frustrated with your job, you can’t handle how boring your life seems, you know you were meant to get out there and LIVE. I haven’t written in a while because, as I told my mom, “My life is boring.” However, my life is “boring” because I’ve been refusing to remember all the great things that happen to me every day. I’ve lost my appreciation for having time to have a Netflix-athon, or for having a solid job that pays me regularly. I’ve decided that I feel like settling down has constricted me and made me stop living.

However, working in a unit by yourself from 6pm – 6am for a week makes you start to think. Really, I feel like I can’t do anything but think out here. Which is a good thing. I’ve felt like my life is boring, but in the last year, I took multiple vacations (sure, mostly for weddings or to visit family, but vacations nonetheless). When 2014 hit, I was on one of those vacations, visiting friends and family back in Kansas. Then a little over a week later, I took the most exciting vacation I’d had in 6 months.

In 2014, I’ve been away from Houston more than I’ve been in Houston. I spent 4 full days in Los Angeles, CA, exploring the city and playing Frisbee with great friends that I hadn’t seen since I moved away from Sacramento. I got to ring in the New Year with an old friend and some new friends back home. I’ve been out on my rig for a week and have 2 more to go before returning to Houston. I’m still traveling; I’ve just started taking it for granted. I suppose when most of your vacations in a year are for weddings, they don’t seem as vacation-y, but they’re still great breaks from work. They’re adventures and escapades waiting to happen. Hopefully, they turn into stories that you will pass on to your children and grandchildren (or nieces and nephews, or cats and dogs, whatever you prefer).

Don’t get me wrong, I still dream of awesome adventures through Europe, eclectic escapades in Australia and New Zealand, etc. I will always dream of grand trips that lead to stories that I’ll never forget. I will never forget the day that I got lost with my (at the time) new best friend in Galway. I hope to add more stories like that to the book of my life. Sometimes you never feel more alive than when you’ve let yourself get lost. However, I need to remember that just because I’m not taking any grand international adventures does not mean that my life has all of a sudden become boring. Shoot! I’m one of few women that work on my oil rig, HOW CAN MY LIFE BE BORING?! But to keep me preoccupied while I’m out here at work, I think I’ll start planning my next grand adventure. Maybe that will give me something to save up for and look forward to. Should it be an international experience or maybe just a massive USA road trip to explore the many states that I’ve never spent time in? Maybe I’ll start planning both. All I know right now is that your life is only boring if you decide that it is. Choose exciting! Find the new friends and stories in your daily life that make it an adventure. Write your novel!

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